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A triple-decker

For the discerning reader, today’s menu includes a delightful medley of entrees, each with a distinctive flavor, delicate seasoning and artful presentation certain to please any palate.

The Good News: We have telephones. Finally. Those are words I thought I would never get to write. But it’s true, despite more than six weeks of delay, excuses and public embarrassment, Ameritech has delivered lines to New World Publications.

Ah, the ring-a-ding-ding of business again. (However, as I’m writing this, there are still numerous glitches in the system to be worked out.) Our new number is (312) 655-7777, and we hope you’ll reach out and touch us.

Our sister archdiocesan agencies which share offices with us, the Missions Office and the Department of Stewardship and Development, should also be finally connected soon.

The Good Deed:
Got an unexpected check in the mail the other day? The Association of Chicago Priests, an organization steeped in the goals of social justice, has some suggestions.

The checks—ranging from a few bucks to several hundred dollars—are a property tax rebate from Illinois’ share in the huge settlement with the tobacco industry.

Since the money comes as an unexpected gift, the ACP wants you to consider turning that check over to a charitable group. Their recommendation is a good one.

It’s the Gilead Fund for the Uninsured, an effort of United Power for Action and Justice (Box 11865, Chicago, IL 60611). The Gilead Fund seeks to help the estimated more than 1.2 million people in the metropolitan area who are under-insured. Since the settlement is health-related, the cause makes especially good sense.

Good Grief: Archdiocese of Chicago chancellor Jimmy Lago is laid up with a pair of broken legs following a fall last weekend as he was catching up on work around his home. After surgery, he’ll spend some time in a wheelchair, more time on crutches and a lot of time in discomfort. I hope you’ll join us in wishing him well, and a speedy recovery.

You can send cards to Lago at the Pastoral Center, 155 E. Superior, Chicago, IL 60611.

—Tom Sheridan,
Editor and General Manager


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