March 1, 2009
Cardinal George taps into e-mail network
Cardinal George will begin offering short e-mail reflections, prayers and other messages to Catholics who sign up to receive them.
The “Cardinal’s Network” is set to debut during Holy Week, although the archdiocese has been quietly asking people to submit their e-mail addresses since early February, said Colleen Dolan, the archdiocesan director of communications.
“The cardinal wants to make sure he’s speaking to people in whatever media and opportunities are available,” Dolan said. “He’ll be able to reach out to more people at one time than he would at Mass or giving a homily that maybe 300 or 500 people would hear.”
The network will offer one-way communication, at least at first, Dolan said, but eventually the archdiocese might start a managed blog that would allow interaction with readers.
The cardinal will offer his e-mail dispatches occasionally, Dolan said, especially around the liturgical high points of the year.
To sign up to receive the e-mails, visit