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Site updated:
Mon, Nov 15, 2004
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Inspiration from above
The artist in the attic benefits both art and parish
The image of a lonely artist, isolated in an attic studio, creating masterpieces almost out of a vacuum, doesnt fit Joseph Malham.
Planting hope to root out violence
Father Tom Walsh had already been at Presentation Parish in North Lawndale for 10 years on the morning when Christopher Green got shot.
Cardinal George
Go and make disciples: participation in the Churchs mission
Considering participation in the Church, our thoughts often focus on the various services provided through the Church.
Cardinal George's Column Archive for 2004
Observations - by Tom Sheridan
Its over, sort of
As I write this, the polls havent yet opened, and wont for many hours. >
The Interview
Abortion rate hurts black women, activist says
Alveda C. King: I always say, Yes, a woman has a right to decide what to do with her body. However, the body of that baby is not hers. >
Its a little this, a little that, in this blue-collar neighborhood where three languages are spoken from the heart. >