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Around the Archdiocese

Around the Archdiocese is a free listing for Catholic events in the Archdiocese.

  • Include time, date, place, address and contact phone number (with area code).
  • Column space will determine what can be included.
  • Information will be listed at least one issue before the date of the event and information must be received at least two weeks before publication of that issue.

Mail your notice to:

Around the Archdiocese
The Catholic New World
3525 S. Lake Park Ave.
Chicago, IL 60653

FAX: (312) 534-7310

E-Mail: [email protected]


St. Gerald Parish: opening 75th year, former parishioners and students, send name, address, phone number, e-mail and class year if an alum, to Sue Whisson at [email protected], or call (708) 422-0234.


St. Ignatius Women’s Council: 30th anniversary of female students at St. Ignatius College Prep, reception 5:30 p.m. Sept. 17, dinner follows, keynote speaker, Marilyn Miglin, at Palmer House Hilton, RSVP by Sept. 3, to Marci Spingola, at (312) 432.8406

Texas Hold’em Tournament: 7 p.m. Sept. 12, must be 18 to play, $75/entry fee, at Santa Maria del Popolo Parish Center, 116 N. Lake, Mundelein, (847) 949-8300.

The Women’s Center “Walk for Life”: North vs. South, sites at Our Lady of Victory, Montrose and Milwaukee avenues, or at St. Alexander, 12600 S. Harlem, Palos Heights, benefits pro-life outreach, call (773) 794-1313 for more info.


Misericordia Family Fest: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sept. 13, $7/adults, $4/children and seniors, at 6300 N. Ridge, (773) 273-2766.

Taste of St. Gertrude: 3-9 p.m. Aug. 29 and noon-5 p.m. Aug. 30, 9613 Schiller Blvd., Franklin Park, games, food, entertainment, talent show, dancing, for more info, call (847) 477-5033.

Heritage and Harvest Festival: from 11:30 a.m. Sept. 20, to celebrate authentic Irish culture and heritage, at Chicago Gaelic Park, 6119 W. 147th St., Oak Forest, (708) 687-9323.


St. Laurence High School: seeking crafters for 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 17 craft and vendor fair, hosted by Laurenta Club, 5556 W. 77th St., Burbank, call Gail at (708) 388-4031 by Oct. 1.

St. Eugene Parish: seeking crafters for crafts, bake and rummage sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 10, at 7958 W. Foster, call (708) 583- 9359.

St. Matthew: seeking hand made items for 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 7 fair, 1001 E. Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg, call Judy at (847) 891-1255.


St. Padre Pio Novena: 7:30 a.m. Mass Sept. 14-23, with devotions, feast day Mass 11 a.m. Sept. 20, at Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, 1224 W. Lexington, (312) 421-3757.

Monthly Eucharistic Adoration: after 8 a.m. Mass on first Fridays, starting Sept. 4, at Ss Peter and Paul Church, 12433 S. Halsted, (773) 785-1200.

Mass Marking Sept. 11 Anniversary: first responders and others, 9:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady’s Grotto at Notre Dame College Prep, 7655 W. Demptster, Niles, (847) 779-8610.

Day of Healing: noon Sept. 12, speakers are Fr. Aniello Salicone, Drew Mariani and Fr. David Simonetti, Mass 5 p.m., confession throughout the day, at St. James Church, 22400 S. Torrence, Sauk Village, (708) 757-2170.

Labor Day Mass: 10:30 a.m. Sept. 6, followed by fellowship, hosted by the national Center for the Laity to promote Interfaith Worker Justice Committee, at St. Catherine/St. Lucy Church, 38 N. Austin, Oak Park, call Vaile Scott at (219) 465-5123 for more info.


Concert: 4 p.m. Aug. 30, by nine professional musicians, featuring vocal music composed by Annunciata Parish music director Timothy Quistorff, free-will offering; to help purchase new sanctuary piano, at Annunciata, 11128 S. Avenue G, Timothy Quistorff (773) 221-1040, Ext. 24.

International Film Festival: 6:30 p.m. nightly, with intro by Dominican University faculty, Sept. 14, “Babette’s Feast”; Sept 15, “Ponette”; Sept. 16, “Pan’s Labyrinth”; Sept. 17, “The Night of the Shooting Stars”; $5/film or $10/festival, at Siena Center Parmer Hall, 7900 W. Division, River Forest, call (708) 488-5000.


“Imaging the Eternal” Icon Exhibit: artist Joseph Malham’s original, hand-written Greek and Russian icons, reception 6-9 p.m. Sept. 11, free, at his studio at St. Gregory Church, 5545 N. Paulina, after Sept. 11, by appointment only through Nov. 1.


New Beginnings: meet at St. Hubert parking lot, 729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates, at 11 a.m. Aug. 23, go to Chinatown, call Geri at (630) 307-0095 to RSVP.

Ministry of Consolation: for those dealing with grief/loss, 7 p.m. on last Thursday each month, St. Cornelius Rectory, 5205 N. Lieb, (773) 283-5222.


Day of Reflection for Clergy: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 16, with Fr. John Surette, SJ, free-will offering, at The Well, 1515 W. Ogden, La- Grange Park, (708) 482-5088 or visit

Days of Recollection: Ignatian spirituality, confession, Mass, devotions, by Miles Christi priests. 6:15-9:15 p.m. Sept. 11, at St. Mary Franciscan Monastery, 14246 Main St., Lemont, also 12:45-5 p.m. Sept. 12, Little Sisters of the Poor, 80 W. Northwest Hwy., Palatine, families welcome, snacks provided, no charge, for info call Joan at (847) 966-1369.


Visitation High School: allyears reunion, noon Sept. 27, at Chicago Gaelic Park, Oak Forest, RSVP to Pat Barrett Neubauer at (708) 403-4238 by Sept. 18.

St. Genevieve School: all classes, 7:30-11:30 p.m. Sept. 12, appetizers, live band, $16, at door, call Willowbrook Ballroom, (708) 839-1000 for tickets, 8900 Archer, Willow Springs, visit saintgensreunioin.

Ritamen Luncheons: after 8 a.m. Mass monthly in St. Rita High School chapel, brunch follows in library, Sept. 9, 7740 S. Western, RSVP by Sept. 3 to Trish at (773) 925-5029.

St. Patrick High School: seeking grads from classes ending in “4” and “9” for reunions on Sept. 12, Sept. 26 or Nov. 13, for more info, contact Jeff Ardito at (773) 282-9563 or [email protected].


St. Joseph Hospital Clothes Closet: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sept. 4, trendy clothing (also open 9 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Wednesdays), 2900 N. Lake Shore, (773) 665-3167.

Immaculate Conception Parish: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Sept. 11 and 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sept. 12, 770 W. Deerfield Rd., Highland Park, and at two other sites, call (847) 433- 0130 for more info.


“Love, the Wellspring of a New Culture”: 12:30 p.m. Sept. 13 potluck lunch, program follows on Focolare Movement spirituality, also program for children, $5/adult, at the Mariapolis Center, 5001 S. Greenwood, call (773) 285-2746.

Bible Study: Jeff Cavins on video or “Acts of the Apostles,” both begin Sept. 15, at St. Alphonsus Liguori, 411 N. Wheeling, Prospect Heights, preview 4:30 p.m. Sept. 12 or 9:45 a.m. Sept. 13, call (847) 255-7452 for details.

Marriage Encounter Weekend: Sept. 26-27, Holy Family Parish, 2515 W. Palatine Road, Inverness, for info, call (847) 359-0042 or visit