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The Catholic New World
News Digest: Week in Summary
Issue of December 8, 2002


Posada Dec. 15
Hundreds of Catholics-both Spanish- and English-speaking-are expected to gather at Holy Name Cathedral Dec. 15 to participate in a Posada, the traditional Mexican reenactment of the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.

The 16th annual archdiocesan posada will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the cathedral, on the corner of Superior and State streets, and will include songs and prayers for the holy family in a spirit of accompaniment and celebration as they make their way to Bethlehem and find themselves shut out as they seek shelter.

For information, call the Office for Hispanic Catholics at (312) 738-1080.

Simbang Gabi novena set
The Filipino community, the archdiocesan Office for Asian Catholics and the Filipino Ministries of the Dioceses of Joliet, Rockford, Peoria and Springfield will host the traditional Simbang Gabi novena at many parishes throughout Northern Illinois.

The novena of Masses in preparation for Christmas runs Dec. 15-23. For information on times and locations, call the Office for Asian Catholics at (312) 751-8305/8328 or visit www.archdiocese-chgo.org.


Vox Clara discusses English translation guidelines
Vatican guidelines for translating liturgical texts into English and examples of translations from the new Roman Missal were reviewed by members of the Vox Clara Committee, a panel of bishops appointed to advise the Vatican on English liturgical translations.

Gifts of justice, gifts of peace
Ah, Christmas! It is the season reminding us of Christ’s incarnation in each person in this world, the season of giving and receiving ... and, unfortunately, the season of rushing and worrying. But there are ways to unite shopping and to-do lists with the desire to make a difference in others’ lives.

“Shopping for ‘fair trade products’ means looking for products that are not exploitative,” said Ann Jenich at Chicago’s Enterprising Kitchen, a non-profit business created to provide employment and life skills training to women. The kitchen is among projects funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. “These are products that are not made at the expense of the people producing them or at the expense of the environment.”

Congregation recommends against ordaining gay men
A Vatican congregation, in response to a query by a bishop, said men who are homosexuals or have homosexual tendencies should not be ordained priests.

Ordaining such candidates to the priesthood would be imprudent and “very risky,” said a letter from Cardinal Jorge Medina Estevez, who at the time was prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments.

Clerical sexual abuse saga brings new discussions, bankruptcy talk
The Catholic clergy sexual abuse saga continued in late November with new arrests, new lawsuits, new court decisions and settlement of more than 60 lawsuits.

Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston Nov. 26 met for more than two hours with leaders of Voice of the Faithful, a now-international lay Catholic organization formed in Boston when the clergy sex abuse scandal broke there last January. Spokesmen for the group said the cardinal agreed with two of their stated goals, support for abuse victims and support for priests of integrity, but questioned their third goal of “shaping structural change” in the church.

Occupation plays havoc where Jesus was born
The Israeli military’s occupation of Bethlehem was wreaking havoc on Bethlehem’s plans for the Christmas season.

The Bethlehem Peace Center was to open an exhibit on the life of Jesus Dec. 1, but the opening was postponed because of an Israeli-imposed curfew.

Hispanic role looms larger in ecumenism
Hispanics are becoming an important factor in U.S. ecumenical relations even though Latin American immigrants come from countries lacking major ecumenical activity, said a Catholic theologian long active in ecumenical dialogues.

Hispanics from different Christian religions offer a practical rather than theoretical approach to ecumenism, said Holy Cross Father John T. Ford, who teaches courses in ecumenism and Hispanic theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington.

Schedule for Our Lady of the New Millennium
Dec. 8-15: St. Denis, 8301 S. St. Louis., Chicago. (773) 434-3313.

Movies at a Glance
Capsule reviews of movies from the U.S. Catholic Conference's Office for Film and Broadcasting, judged according to artistic merit and moral suitability. Go to reviews


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Church Clips by Dolores Madlener
Dolores Madlener
a column of benevolent gossip

Idea exchange — St. Isidore Parish (Blue Island) distributed “Thank you cards to God” in the bulletin a several weeks before Thanksgiving Day. They encouraged parishioners to write a sentence or two, anonymously or signed, telling what they were grateful for, and turn them in the week before Thanksgiving. The staff worked on a synthesized “litany of thanksgiving” composed from the notes, which was recited after Communion at the “feast day” Mass. And all the cards were brought up in a basket during the offertory procession.


Getting the spirit — Is Christmas too material for your druthers? The Women’s Center, a crisis pregnancy outreach, has the antidote. Each year it hosts Christmas parties for needy moms, babies and families. Last year, 1,824 kids and adults attended parties around the arch. This year’s South party will be Dec. 21; a North Side party is Dec. 23. Clients are served a light meal, kids have a Polaroid snapshot made with Santa, and take home toys and clothes for Christmas, thanks to some parish sharing trees and donors. If you’d like to help set up, clean up, or help at a party, call Kathy at (773) 794-8807. Any group or business that can donate chips, cookies, Kool-Aid or Polaroid film can call Carol at (773) 794-4774.


A heap of Hope — St. Joseph Carondelet Child Center recently honored volunteers, employees and business leaders at an award ceremony. The city’s oldest continuing operating facility for at-risk children, youth and their families, it has locations today in the Oakland-Douglas and Englewood neighborhoods. Ald. Shirley Coleman received the Love of St. Joseph’s Award “for her continued support personally and professionally.” The alderwoman was one of the individuals instrumental in opening Solace Place (the former Our Lady of Solace Church, school, convent and rectory), the STJCCC’s facility for high-risk youths. It is located in Coleman’s 16th Ward.


Parish potpourri — What South suburban pastor is itching to take a cue from a NYC councilman who proposed a $50 fine for anyone using a cell phone during a movie or concert? Father X has jovially threatened to charge a 50-buck “fine,” payable in the collection box, if a cell phone rings during Mass. Will no clout, or no couth win? . . . Cardinal George was on hand this fall at historic Holy Family Church (S. May) to rededicate its renovated bell tower—brightly painted now with gilded clock and cross 236 feet from the street. When the bells rang out, pigeons flew and crowds cheered. Holy Family survived the Chicago Fire and the wrecking ball. . . . St. Clement Parish (W. Deming) has a new club for dads with babies, toddlers and/or young children. Activities are designed to give them quality time with their kids and give mom a break. Some programs will include moms, too. . . . Friends of St. Thomas More Parish (S. California) carpooled for a mini-pilgrimage to St. Ignatius Church (N. Glenwood) for a Mass with Bishop Jerome Listecki in the just-renovated awe-inspiring side chapel of the main church. . . . Mike and Louise Krylowicz of St. Benedict Parish (Blue Island) are embarking on a new adventure: retirement. The parents of 14 children and 22 grandchildren got everyone together for a Thanksgiving reunion. Eldest son, Father Mark Krylowicz, on loan from the arch to the Diocese of Salt Lake City for three years, made sure he got home to join the family.


Wood you believe? — “Mary of the Prairie” is a rugged statue in Richland, Iowa, made from the remains of a 100-year-old white pine. When the tree died, the eight children of farmers Bob and Eleanor Sobaski, paid for a wood sculptor to come out. With a special chain saw he has fashioned a beautifully detailed 12-foot statue of a pioneer-type Mary, holding the Baby Jesus, gazing out over the rolling prairie. It was the artist’s first religious work. The farm family’s parish priest named her “Mary of the Prairie.” Bob Sobaski is the cousin of Matilda Pedtke of St. Gregory the Great Parish (N. Paulina).


Could be? — Every Catholic household in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.Va. now receives their diocesan newspaper free. The bishop says he hopes the change from subscription-only will energize the 42,000 Catholic households and the church itself.


Warp, woof and will: The Cook County Chapter of Project Linus just wrapped up its fall blanket-making event, “Make a Difference Day.” Busy coordinator Blanche Kosierowski, 77, a parishioner of St. Peter & Paul (S. 38th St.), has delivered over 600 blankets to sick and traumatized kids, battered women and crisis centers over time. Neighbors dropped off 73 new crocheted, knitted, or fleece blankets and 3 quilts at McKinley Park Library Oct. 26. Their name and a “Project Linus” label would then be attached before delivery. Children were invited to draw pictures on muslin “quilt” squares to honor the victims of 9-11. The 45” x 55” art piece is now on display in the library. Blanche’s great niece, Mari-Rae Sopper, 35, was one of those who perished in the plane that hit the Pentagon. She was on her way to a new coaching job.


‘The’ life — Prayerful single men and women are invited to try working and praying with monks at one of the upcoming “Live-in Experience” vocational retreats. There’s no cost but space is limited at: St. Mary’s Monastery (Rock Island), St. Procopius Benedictine Abbey (Lisle), St. Benedict Abbey (Benet Lake, Wis.), New Melleray Trappist Abbey (Dubuque, Ia.) or Gethsemani Trappist Abbey (Trappist, Ky.). Open dates include Dec. 20-22, Jan. 3-5 and others. Call (800) 221-1807 if you are interested.

Send your benevolent gossip to Church Clips, 721 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60610 or via e-mail to: [email protected]
