Don’t miss it!

If you’re older, you know where you were when Pearl Harbor was bombed. A little younger, and you know what you were doing when President Kennedy was slain. Some people even recall the 1926 Euch-aristic Congress in Soldier Field because they were there.

On June 24, Soldier Field will again be the place people will “remember when.” Cardinal George has invited archdiocesan Catholics to Soldier Field for Mass on the vigil of the Feast of Corpus Christi.

Thousands are expected to share in this celebration of our unity as members of the Body of Christ.

This event is a centerpiece of the Jubilee Year, celebrating who we are as believers, waving our flag of faith.

The Soldier Field Eucharistic celebration promises to be one of those events that people will long remember being a part of. Tickets have been distributed through parishes and agencies, so consider this an open invitation. Call (312) 751-7999.

See you there!